My Work 



An e-commerce web application which combines React, Spring Boot, and JWT for robust security and swift page loads. With a focus on a seamless user experience, it features a Tailwind CSS-designed interface for easy navigation, secure authentication, and efficient data management.

Technologies: React, Java, Spring Boot, MySQL, JWT, TailwindCSS



A cutting-edge AI-driven image generation platform built on the MERN stack and enhanced with TailwindCSS, seamlessly interprets user prompts through OpenAI's DALL-E model to create beautiful images. Image management is achived by using Cloudinary platform.

Technologies: React, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, OpenAI, TailwindCSS, Cloudinary

Mr. Voice Pay

Mr. Voice Pay

Mr. Voice Pay revolutionizes online banking for visually impaired users, integrating voice commands via Alexa and Google Assistant with AWS and GCP. The app fortifies security by 50% through innovative voice and biometric authentication, alongside Morse code verification.

Technologies: Alexa, Google Assistant, AWS, GCP, Python, Java, Android Studio

Stock Market Analysis

Stock Market Analysis

A dynamic Stock Market Analysis application for accurate forecasting of stock prices for Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and IBM. This tool offers interactive graphs and predictions with a deep learning model, enhancing investment strategies through insightful analysis.

Technologies: Python, PyTorch, GRU, Scikit-learn, Plotly, Seaborn

Intelligent Cyber Security System

Intelligent Cyber Security System

An advanced Intelligent Cyber Security System designed to detect network attacks in real-time and prevent potential damage. By analyzing network packets and employing the National Vulnerability Database, it achieves 90% accuracy in threat identification.

Technologies: Python, Neural Networks, Wireshark, NVD, Flask

Automated Driving System

Automated Driving System

Developed an Automated Driving System, harnessing computer vision to enhance road safety through lane, pedestrian, and stop sign detection. Along with that, it supports a feature to detect if driver is drowsy or not. Powered by Python, OpenCV, and NumPy, it achieved a seamless 30 fps frame rate and 89% accuracy.

Technologies: Python, OpenCV, NumPy, Dlib